Monday, March 16, 2015

Do OVER. More Painting and Other Exciting Things

This is what happens when the dark paint color just won't go on even no matter  
how many coats you put on. Back to the drawing a big way.

So I decided to go a completely different direction....and a much lighter color.
Pavilion Peach by Glidden. It goes better with all the cute fabrics I just picked up off Craigslist. 

Even our little daughter got in on some of this painting action.

The hubby installed the roller blinds! YAY!!

Back to the bunk repair...We re-installed the cabinets. 

Notice the computer? I removed these cabinets and took pics along the way. 
The hubby is using them as a guide to re-install the cabinets properly. 

Painting lessons learned....
  • Choice the right color primer and err on the side of white.
  • To tape or not to tape? The tape didn't do well and let lots of paint behind it. I did better on the areas I didn't tape. So NO tape for me next time
  • Use foam rollers of all sizes. I had two different size rollers and they worked much better on RV walls then your typical dry wall rollers. 
  • Buy lots of paint pan liners
  • Buy lots of different sized paint brushes
  • Do NOT paint in high humidity (like right after it rains). Tape won't stick and paint runs.
  • To prime or not to prime? We primed b.c we had some mildew issues since the bunk had had water damage. But honestly, if your original walls are light (like ours) you can just paint right over it, no problem. I didn't prime the wall by the vanity and the Glidden covered it just fine. 
  • Next time, I would spray instead of paint by hand. It's a lot, A LOT, of work hand painting and you have to go over the walls several times b.c the walls are vinyl covered. We will spray our cabinets for sure. 
  • One gallon of Zinsser (used half)
  • One gallon of Glidden (used half)
  • 2 different sized foam rollers
  • 2 2" brushes, 1 artist brush (to get in those small areas)
  • 1 roll of Frog tape (almost useless)
  • 4 pan liners & one pan
  • paper towels

We did a few more things but I'll include that in the next blog.  Good night! 

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