Saturday, March 14, 2015

More Painting & Bunk Repair Almost Complete

Today was very productive. We are almost....almost finished with the bunk repair. Thank goodness.

We used adhesive and metal self tapping screws to secure the ply to the walls.

Installed R13 insulation in the nose, hardboard, and metal support. 

I didn't get a picture of it but we installed a layer of Reflectix 
between the bunk and the hardboard for insulation. 
You can see a piece of it in my hubby's hand above. We used this in our travel trailer for window inserts and it reduced the temp in the bunks by 10-15 degrees during the summer. Great stuff. We will use what's left over to cover the front windows and keep the radiant heat down. 

Finally, the almost finished bunk end repair! We couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

So what's left....we still need to do the following:
We did a lot of painting today too. Here are some pics.

We painted areas on the floor that were stained.

Dinette area

Door where the swivel chair was. We still need to remove the base.

Rear of RV. 

We will need to put a second coat on a lot of these areas but it's a start. 

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