Saturday, February 21, 2015

Bunk Repair Continues...Exterior Almost Finished

The snow is melting, the weekend is's time to get back to 
work on the Tioga Project.
Removing ice from the Tioga roof was fun. 

Time to inspect our work and see if the adhesives cured in the cold temps.

A small section did not adhere so we applied more adhesive, 
secured the fiberglass with brads, and re-clamped the bunk.

What to do while we wait? Inspect a small leak in the bathroom.

There was a tiny leak from the shower ceiling. 
We removed a section of the ceiling and insulation.

It was damp but the wood was solid.  We set up a fan to dry it out.  
We found a small cut in the rubber roof above the shower area. 
We repaired it with a piece of U-Seal band and the leak stopped. Yay! 

Since we need to wait at least 24 hours before removing the bunk clamps, 
we decided to remove the rest of the carpet. 

The next morning, most of the snow was gone and it warmed up a bit. 
Back to the bunk repair we go. We removed the bar clamp from the bottom of the bunk and the adhesive cured. All the fiberglass was finally attached. 

We removed the window to cut back the overlapping fiberglass 
that's keeping the window from laying flat in the opening. 

It's time to tackle the seams that caused most of the water damage. 
Prepping for fiberglass work...

First, I sanded and cleaned the seam area. I applied wax paper so if any epoxy seeps through it won't stick. Then I secured the seam with a bar clamp.

Inside, I sanded and cleaned the seam and applied the fiber glass. 

No sanding required!

On the outside, I used bondo to seal the seam. 
I must admit I'm not very good at body repair work but it will do.
There is a lot of sanding in my future.

We finished up with the body work (less some fine sanding) and put the window back in. 
We applied butyl tape to the drivers side metal trim piece and reattach it before dark. 
We really feel like we accomplished something today.
The Tioga finally looks like an RV again! 

You can just see the bondo'ed seams to the right and left of the window. 
We are so happy to have the majority of the rebuild finished. We still need to do a finish sanding, apply the passenger side trim, and seal but it will have to wait. Another snow storm is on the way. 

The next morning we woke to more snow fall in NC. It doesn't look like much but it knocked out the power for ~6 hours. Thankfully, we could make coffee in the RV. 

So no work today....but we accomplished a lot this weekend. 
More to come...

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